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Run 2047, 20 March 2023
Location: Chonburi M'way, Gustavia
Hare: Capt'n Erik

A pack of about twenty runners, mostly regulars, assembled behind the Gustavia restaurant. This is familiar territory for the Hash so it was no surprise when after a short jog along the motorway we turned right on to a klong path. Front runners were soon out of sight leaving we lesser mortals in their wake.

Occasionally Boobalube's green shirt could be seen in the distance. Your correspondent proceeded in the company of Maverick and Wally at a leisurely pace going from one klong path to another, generally heading North East.

Eventually the trail followed a series of roads through an industrial area heading south. The front runners had obligingly broken the checks so no problem for the slower elements. After passing under the motorway there followed a long trot along the railway, then back under the motorway to join the out trail in to the restaurant. All good traditional Captain Erik stuff.

Circle events summarised as follows:-
Hares awarded a good run. Most opinions positive except Antique Road show who thought it was "too short".
One visitor – Hummer
Returners – Vee, Horny Viking, Porkfinder
Leavers – Wally, Antique Road Show
Checkless's white T shirt was noted for some reason.

Boobalube was RA. Called in the following,
Gringo for reasons obscure. GM Georgia and Hummer for running to the run site. 4x2 for disrespect, Antique Road Show for his alleged wild night life.

POW awarded to Hummer for being a Bullit lookalike. Other candidates Bullit himself (late in), GM represented by Crash for apparently chasing little boys on the run.

On on at the restaurant. Tasty selection of Thai dishes as well as (unusually) a slice of pizza each. Overall a good Monday evening event.


This page last updated: 22 Mar 2023