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Run:- 2089, 8 January 2024
Location:- Thonglor Soi 21
Hares:-Ibo Ibo and Noriega
For Ibo Ibo's "in absentia" run we had 14 Harriers, 5 Harriettes and 4 visitors, total 23. Returners included Noriega (co-hare), Bouncy, Rawhide, The Nigerian, No Good Boyo, Eetan and Nicholas. The Visitors were Masaku, NGB's two kids, and Tom (Virgin). Other attendees included GM Maverick, Spinning Dwarf, The Tickler, Boob-a-Lube, Codpiece, Nibbles, Always Cums Last, Tom Yum Kung, Mini, 4x2 and Late Cumming Ball Slapper.

The run started on an obscure soi along the fancy Thonglor area with the hare nowhere in sight. I supposed he was getting the beers cold at the beer stop. The group got bigger and bigger as we came close to the run start and some Hasher almost got ran over by passing traffic.

Luckily we were all wearing stupidly colored shirts. As the appointed time approached his co hare stepped in and gave us some vague directions and marking description. We are started promptly onto the busy Thonglor traffic! After a couple of sois we were back onto a more quiet neighborhood as we came up to the first check. The FRBs spread out in different direction to find paper except for some lazy bastards who stayed by the check with chalk in hand saying they were there to break the checks.

The main pack got way behind the front runners. We turned right onto a soi, then left and then left again. We realized that the hare trying to be funny and had us do a loop back onto the main road and have walkers catch us by short circuiting the loop. Me and my unmentionable front runner decided to hide behind some bushes until the main pack has entered the soi loop. This is help them maximize the hash fees and get more mileage per Baht.

With incredible creativity we were on another loop, this time we did not see any of the walkers and solved the checks quickly. I asked my co front runner if he had chalk and said he didn’t. I wanted to break all the checks but unfortunately dropped my chalk early in the run. We meandered around an area that did not recognize. Kudos to the hare for the interesting trail and the clever check backs.

We got back to the run site and enjoyed the refreshments.


This page last updated: 11 Jan 2024