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Run:- 2127, 30 September 2024
Location:- Sri Nankarin Soi 12
Hare:- Slippery When Wet standing in for Crash

It was a very humid evening, as we gathered near Hua Mak station for yet another thrilling Monday night Hash. Our hare, ‘Slippery When Wet’ set an excellent 8+ km trail . . . the only question we had at the start, was how much overlap would there be with the Men’s Hash that ran in the same area just 2 days prior. Well, that question was soon answered, and there were only two areas of overlap for a total of about 1 km. The rest was all to the north and east of Saturday’s trail, and no one reported being led astray by old marks. Well done.

We had a pack of more than 25 for this one . . . It was Codpiece, Nigerian, and Hazukashii out in front most of the way and breaking the checks. Although, the Nigerian would eventually get distracted, ended up way off trail, and took a F-ing taxi back to the meet point. For the capable Hashers, it was dark when the runners finished, only to find a dozen or more of the walkers already sitting around and eating all the nibblies.

Once everyone was accounted for, Maverick called us to circle, where we had several visitors and returners, along with the other usual offenses. We were abused long enough to develop a hunger, which we soon satisfied in the eatery on site. Just as dinner was wrapping up, the rain rolled in and dumped big time. Fortunately we were able to take shelter and continue drinking. All in a day’s Hashing, ON ON!


This page last updated: 1 Oct 2024