Bangkok Monday Hash House Harriers
Running and drinking beer since 1982. Website last updated: 16/12/08
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Run:- 1342 Date:- 8 December 2008
Location:- Nakhon Inn Road
Hares:- Tastes Great and Bruised Willy
Scribe:- Bruised WillyThe pack started off on Steve Furst’s solo run (of which Bruised Willy was not a part regardless of what you may have seen in previous newsletters!) with John McBirnie and Tom “it’s spelled with an e” Sorensen leading the way. The pair immediately ran off the paper and onto a six month old trail set by Disgusting. They came back and told everyone that the run was fucked (which it might have been, but for different reasons) and the GM circled up the pack and lead them back to the restaurant. Some intrepid hashers continued on until SOLO HARE Steve Furst’s 400m checks bamboozled them. With darkness descending, most returned, but some stayed on to the end. Dinner and the circle were entertaining and everyone appreciated the confectionaries brought by Jeff Gay and his wife. The end!
On Monday 8 December we had 19 Harriers, 6 Harriettes, 0 new boots and 1 visitor, total = 26. Returners included Diane Furst, Cenghiz Ertuna, Capt’n Erik, Lem Morgan, Bruce Weeks and Jeff Gay.