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One Saturday afternoon in Bang Kruay in February of 1982 there was much debate after the BH3 circle about the possible formation of a Monday Hash. The arguments “for” being that Monday was the “traditional” hash day (says who?), and that some pussy whipped hashers were having constant difficulty getting pink tickets for the weekends; the arguments “against” being the mid week traffic, and the difficulties of getting to decent run sites without leaving the office at mid day, and the concern that another hash would have a negative effect on the Saturday Hash.
After several passionate declamations which were generally anti the whole idea, a vote was taken, in true democratic fashion, to resolve this issue “once and for all”, with the result being that the motion to form a Monday Hash was defeated by a resounding 30 “against” and 1 “for”.
This was therefore taken as a clear mandate to go ahead, and BMH3 was formed and had its first run on 8th March 1982.
The one vote “for” on that historic evening was none other than Terry "Pinky" Moore, aka the Pink Pontificator, who subsequently crowned himself as the first GM of BMH3, or as he preferred to call himself, the “YWHMH”. It was left to the rest of us to speculate that Pinky’s sole reason for supporting the formation of BMH3 was to satisfy his craving for the power base he knew he would be denied in BH3.
Not very surprisingly, the majority of the 34 that turned up for the inaugural run were from the group of 30 “against”.
The Monday Hash was very much considered part of the Saturday Hash at first, and started off life as a men only hash running once every two weeks (apart from run number 2, which took place three weeks after run number 1 to allow the Hare more time to get his act together – how considerate they were in those days). It continued in this fashion for a further 2 years, until, in attempt to boost flagging support, Hares Modesty Blaise and Bullet set two runs on consecutive Mondays and broke the two week cycle. Thereafter BMH3 ran every week, and very shortly after that, Knut Herzer, having taken over from Pinky as GM, declared that the runs be opened up to the fairer sex and small furry animals.
Wichanee was the first lady to join, on run 55, followed shortly afterwards by Pe (RIP) and Tim Daley, and as the number of members gradually increased BMH3 established its own strong identity and let the umbilical tie with BH3 wither away.
The following hounds made Run 1 on 8th March 1982:-
Dave Wallace | Lou Barberi | Roger Crutchley |
David Lantel | Pat O'Connor | Russel Proctor |
Derek Enscoe | Paul Anderson | Steve Cui |
E. Hartsoke | Peter Herning | Terry Moore |
Gary Farrow | Phil Colclough | Tim Hughes |
Geoff Conner | Phil Gray | Tom Prendergast |
Hans Kirgis | Pitak Chunthong | Tony Collinson |
Hugo Steiner | Richard Ellis | Tony Waltham |
Jerry Johnson | Richard Leete | Walter Taylor |
Jim Shutler | Richard Tryon | Wolfgang Stuetzel |
John Williams |
Bob 'Bullit' Boulter
GM October 2015
8 March 1982 | Run 1 | Run no. 1 Hare – Knut Herzer, co-hare Jim Shutler. Location Wat Thewasunthorn, on Viphavadee Road just north of Ngarm Wong Wan Road. Runs were held every two weeks until late 1983, after which they were held irregularly, sometimes once a month. Cash surplus B1,800. |
1982 | Grand Master Knut Herzer | |
17 March 1982 | Bangkok ladies decide they want to Hash, so form Bangkok Harriettes | |
29 March 1982 | Run 2 | Cash deficit B200. |
20 July 1982 | The Monday Trooth hits the streets of Bangkok for the first time. Up to then it had been a section of the BH3 newsletter. | |
1 March 1983 | Run 26 | First BMH3 boat run. The run was as the ever popular area known as Prapadaeng, but instead of making use of the facilities at the Sanitary Section the runners drove halfway to Samut Prakan and got a ferry across the river from Baan Bang Kasop. The hare was Richard Edmunds. This was also BMH3’s first (and only?) run on a Tuesday. |
19 March 1983 | Run 49 | First record of a Harriette running. Four unnamed Harriettes joined this run. |
3 April 1984 | Run 50 | Due to the impatience of the Hares – Bob ‘Bullet’ Boulter and Blaise, BMH3 becomes a weekly event instead of fortnightly. The first weekly run was set just over the other side of Taksin Bridge, from the slip road on the left back to Charoen Nakorn Road. Yes, it was possible to set runs there then. |
15 May 1984 | Run 56 | The first lady new boot – Wichanee ‘Imelda’ Cherutas. The run was at Chong Nonsee (Chan Road now). The hare was Tony Lovell who worked for CP group then and the run site was in the environs of his office. Imelda was asked by Knut to join Monday as he seemed to think the fairer sex would keep the Monday going (and they don’t come any fairer than Imelda). Pe had been supplying beer to Monday then but didn't join until Imelda came on board. A few weeks later Pe and later Tim Daly joined. Rusty Proctor was the GM that year. Other non-men members were Liz Bridges , Pat Elsmie, Ruth Pagell, Benjamas Ngernwattana. |
11 June 1984 | Run 60 | Ken Onishi becomes the first Japanese to join BMH3. |
November 1984 | Grand Masters Rusty Proctor/Teerachai Riensubdee | |
November 1985 | Grand Masters Tony Lovell/Wolfgang Steutzel | |
November 1986 | Grand Master Ian Bodycoat | |
November 1987 | Grand Masters Don Collier… Pitak Chantong | |
November 1988 | Grand Master Bob Rayner | |
November 1989 | Grand Master John Lukens | |
November 1990 | Grand Master Tim Wienands | |
9 March 1991 | Run 414 | BMH3 runs on a Saturday in Chumphon. The Hare was Bill Hobbs. |
10 May 1991 | Run 424 | Red light run on a Friday. The Hare was Tom Sorensen and/or Doug Atkinson. |
November 1991 | Grand Master Bruce Miller | |
19 Oct 1992 | Run 500 | Hares Bob Rayner and Don Petrie. Location Khunying Restaurant Rama 3 Road. |
November 1992 | Grand Master Bill Hobbs | |
November 1993 | Grand Master Don Lavoie | |
November 1994 | Grand Master Clyde Albrecht | |
November 1995 | Grand Master Frank Allum | |
November 1996 | Grand Masters Trevor Fellows… Todd Wilkie | |
9 July 1997 | BMH3 goes online. Spinning Dwarf builds a website dedicated to the Hash. The website includes mis-directions, write-ups, photos etc. | |
November 1997 | Grand Master Bruce Weeks | |
November 1998 | Grand Master Andy Steel | |
March 1999 | Maverick takes over as Webnerd from Spinning Dwarf 'for the time being' | |
3 May 1999 | Grand Master Rod Turner as Andy Steel abdicates | |
August 1999 | Bob ‘Raincoat’ R returns to his native Canada after completing a mighty 564 runs with BMH3. Raincoat’s first run was run 87 on 19 November 1984. Raincoat held the post of Hash Cash for many years, and one of his main achievements was to set off the great economic crash of ’97. Raincoat was also well known for his performance of the masturbation song. | |
9 August 1999 | Spinning Dwarf takes over as Hash Cash from Raincoat | |
November 1999 | Grand Master Ian Slater | |
November 2000 | Grand Master Tom Sorensen | |
November 2001 | Grand Master Ed Rubesch | |
20 May 2002 | Run 1000 | The Port. Hares Bob ‘Bullet’ Boulter and Tony Erswell |
November 2002 | Grand Master Mike 'Love Canal' Rust | |
November 2003 | Grand Master George 'of the jungle' Morgan | |
November 2004 | Grand Master Graeme 'Mini' Bristol | |
November 2005 | Grand Master Noah '4x2' Shepherd | |
November 2006 | Grand Master Lem 'No Good Boyo' Morgan | |
12 March 2007 | Run 1251 | BMH3 celebrated 25 years of Hashing with a run from the original site - Wat Thewasunthorn. Hares Pitak, Vinai and Stumbles. |
19 November 2007 | Run 1287 | AGM. Grand Master Matt 'Canal Rapee' Ryder |
11 December 2007 | Founding member Pitak dies. He had clocked up 910 runs with BMH3. | |
10 November 2008 | Run 1338 | AGM. Grand Master Maarten 'Sir Bogdiver' Brusellers |
16 November 2009 | Run 1391 | AGM. Grand Master Greg 'The Tickler' C |
8 November 2010 | Run 1442 | AGM. Grand Master Tom 'Pussy Virus' E |
25 May 2011 | Bangkok Harriettes shut down by Joylide and replaced with Bangkok Wednesday Hash | |
14 November 2011 | Run 1495 | AGM. Grand Master Vichai 'The Senator' S |
12 March 2012 | Run 1512 | BMH3 celebrates its 30th birthday |
18 April 2016 | Run 1726 | Khun A starts bringing the beer |
15 June 2020 | Run 1931 | BMH3 resumes runs after a three month shutdown for the Covid pandemic |
2 November 2020 | Run 1951 | AGM. New Grand Master Steve' Gringo' G |
8 November 2021 | Run 1761 | BMH3 resumes runs after a seven month shutdown for the Covid pandemic |
13 December 2021 | Run 1981 | AGM. New Grand Master Ian 'Codpiece' P |
25 April 2022 | Run 2000 | Hare Bob 'Bullit' B and John 'Tinker' L at Im Plao Pao |
7 November 2022 | Run 2028 | AGM. New Grand Master Georgia 'Always Comes Last' S, at the tender age of 24 our youngest ever GM. |
13 November 2023 | Run 2081 | AGM. New Grand Master Peter 'Maverick' L |
Past Grand Masters