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Bangkok Monday Hash House Harriers (BMH3) consists of a group of people who like to go out for a run on Monday evenings and have a few beers and socialise afterwards. Anyone is welcome to come along.
Each week the run is held in a different place (usually on the outskirts of Bangkok), and as a result Hashers see far more of the place than they would otherwise. The 7-8km run lasts about one hour, but there are several 'checks' which allow the slower runners to catch up with the rest of the pack - it is not competitive. The trail often goes off the beaten track, so wearing new running shoes and clothes is not a good idea.
After the run we socialise over a few beers, and after half an hour or so the 'Circle' takes place where the Grand Master and Religious Advisor call runners who have committed alleged mis-demeanours into the circle to drink a small beer. Near the end of the proceedings runners are nominated for the 'prick of the week award', and the Religious Advisor decides who wins this award. Often it is a visitor or first time runner (especially female) who ends up with the award. After the circle is over most of the runners to adjourn to a local restaurant for food and more beer.
BMH3 was formed in 1982 and has met nearly every Monday since then - nearly 2,000 times so far. The mismanagement committee is irresponsible for everything. A new mismanagement committee is appointed every November. Over 475 people are members of this Hash.
When and Where?
This Hash meets every Monday at 17:15 (or maybe 17:30, check the web). Run sites are announced on this website. Members receive a weekly newsletter with upcoming run directions.
Who and How Much?
Participants come from all walks of life, and various parts of the world - including Thailand! The Monday Hash has 60 active members and typically 20 to 30 people turn up each week. Run fees are B200 for men and B150 for women, but until you join you pay an extra B50 per run. This includes the beer after the run.
Though the concept of ‘membership’ is rather loose, after a few runs you will be asked to pay B300 for ‘life membership’. After this you will receive the weekly newsletter.
How do I get to the Run?
Look at this and the directions on the website.
How do I contact the Hash?
Send an e-mail to info at bangkokmondayhhh.com