Bangkok Monday Hash House Harriers
Run Report

Last updated: 15 April, 2009

Run no:- 1359           Date:- 6 April 2009
Location:- Yok Krok Restaurant, Ratchapreuk Road
Hare:- Love Canal and Mini
Scribe:- ?

Another delightful run off Ratchpruek Road area I thought as I headed to the On Nut BTS. Meet fellow taxi hoppers at Surasak BTS and all will be well. It started out well, we all got there with plenty of time to spare. The GM Bog was out of town, so no one was really in charge – please don’t take that to mean GM Bog is actually in charge when he is here. He just makes more noise than other people, so he thinks people are listening. A good crowd gathered including several visitors and even a virgin hasher. The hare Mini and his regular sidekicks – Noriega and Love Canal - came back with mud encrusted shoes. We were off at the appointed time after Love Canal – declaring himself the co-co-hare – said the checks would be in cocoa powder. He demonstrated with a brown X and then tasted it to show he wasn’t kidding. Unfortunately, Bimbo – the only one with a similar infantile sense of humor - was not there at enjoy the display.

Once we were off we hit that sticky mud – between the restaurant and the khlong path. Unpleasant. After cleaning a bit of the stuff off their shoes everyone headed down the cement khlong path. The newly wed KC came running back down the path saying he found the On In (Welcome words to the lone shortcutter present’s ears. Actually where do I put the possessive on that? on the lone shortcutter’s present ears implies he had other ears at some time in the past.) We were forced to cross a wooden bridge high over the water with the support of a PVC pipe handrail. The handrail became soon dislodged and the wood got quite slick from the muddy shoes. It took a while to get everyone across and the pack got quite spread out as a result.

This is a nice area, apparently Dunkin Donut had done a run here recently. It has rained enough in recent days so there would be no confusion. I caught up to Tickler on a check – and he was soon leading the group down what I later learned was a FT. As a bit of log rolling with muddy shoes did not appeal to me at that particular moment, I carried on down the path in the general direction of where KC said he had seen the On In trail. I did find paper and followed it for a while. Later I learned people crossed railroad bridges and all sorts of things. I walked around for while – nice area -later decided to hit the road and make my way back home.

The usual beer, sort of a mystery beer today actually, possibly Cheers. It didn’t quite taste like Tee Ger, but what do I know. Kegs are nice. Eventually everyone got back – ex GM Canal Rapee perhaps the last to arrive. Good snacks and dip were enjoyed. Noah and It arrived late, having followed the first set of directions sent out – at Wat Keaw Phitak. We eventually had a delightful circle with Bruised Willie, Noriega and Tickler handling the task nicely. The trio of hares made no excuses and had a down down for their interesting run. Various down downs were offered returners – Mini and others, the visitors from Singapore and Malaysia, the newly weds KC and Elen (Congratulations!!!). The usual what happened this day in history questions. Announcements included the next run at Wat Keaw Phitak, on Songkran. Friday’s Full Moon run from Noriega’s at 6:30.

AND don’t forget the revived Hash Ball on May 1st. POTW went to Todd "Sinning Dork" Wilkie after a close vote (not at all close --ed). The On On On was at the adjacent restaurant.

Thanks Mini and crew for a pleasant evening.



On Monday 6 April we had 22 Harriers, 7 Harriettes, 0 new boot and 6 visitors, total = 35. Returners included Hungry Bum, Pussy Virus, Nearest & Dearest, Boob-a-Lube, Hash Hash and Naa.


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