Bangkok Monday Hash House Harriers

Last updated: 16 April, 2013

Run 1569
Date: 15 April 2013
Location: Ton Khao Don Tri Restaurant opposite Chalermprakiet 55
Hares:Vichai Cool and Piya
Scribe: Maverick

The Hares from this run must consider themselves very lucky that the Hashit has disappeared somewhere in the wilds of north America, as this 'run' amply qualified them for this prestigious award.

A small number of Hashers braved a Songkran soaking to turn up at the restaurant, which was closed for Songkran. However, the hares had drafted in a number of Harriettes to bring sufficient sustenance for the OnOnOn. Come 5:30 GM No No called for order, and the hare explained that the trail was laid with two types of shredded paper, chalk arrows, and had some false trails marked with 'FT'. There was a long loop near the end of the trail, which no one seemed very enthused about. He said we should set off across the main road and go out through Wat Kaew Pitak. So far so good!

We duly crossed the road and followed the arrow pointing down the soi to the wat to the delight of some small kids who were able to soak an unlucky few. Before we even reached the wat we came across arrows pointing the wrong way, and soon after that we saw On In. Shurely shome mishtake (as they say in Private Eye). This was too much for the collective IQ of the pack to figure out, and hashers went off in all directions in search of arrows pointing in the right direction. The kids with the water must have thought it was Christmas as farangs went to and fro past them, and they produced ever larger containers of water to drench us with.

Eventually the hare came to our rescue, and blamed the confusion on his cohare. There were comments that he should know by now that a woman says the opposite of what she actually means. Not far down the klong path there was a branch to the right with chalk arrows in the right direction, but the hare told us we must continue following the arrows pointing in the wrong direction. After a kilometre or so the hare said we were now on the 'proper' trail, and we didn't need his guidance any more.

The pack was slow to solve the first check - probably because we were mentally exhausted from the initial confusion. After another check - quickly solved this time – the trail took us round a large pond and we emerged up a very rickety plank back onto a klong path. Not far along this path there was a check, which Sheepshagger seemed sure was a forward check. Your scribe, along with a number of other Hashers, wasn't so sure, and as the storm clouds were gathering and the light was going we decided to head for home back along the klong path. Just after we set off we met Mollie who was still on the pond-side looking for a safe way to get up onto the path. We offered her our sympathy and continued on our way.

Our route home took us past a chalk sign saying the short route home was where we had just come from, but we continued down a broad new avenue with a wide pavement with ample room for som tam carts, trees and motorcycles, but presently deserted. We were the first to get back, but the rest of the pack soon came back in dribs and drabs. Delicious drink and nibbles were provided by Nibbles.

During the social drinking there was a minor scare as the rain started, but fortunately it didn't last long. The circle was presided over by GM No No, and Virginia Slim showed his natural aptitude as RA. Prick of the Week was a close run thing with the finalists being 'Its childish' and Vichai Cool. In a totally unbiased contest Vichai Cool was the ultimate winner, though his efforts of the day were worthy of the Hashit. Next week's run was announced, and people guessed the location would be Nonthaburi as the hare is Tickler.

Your scribe didn't stay for the OnOnOn, but instead got stuck in a monster traffic jam on Rama 9 Road near RCA. This was particularly embarrassing as the taxi driver had recommended using Petchaburi Road but your scribe was sure Rama 9 would be OK. The driver was not a happy bunny.

OnOn to somewhere in Nonthaburi next Monday.
