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Run: 1690 10 August 2015
Location: Underneath Rama 5 Bridge
Hares: Bangcock and Virginia Slim
Scribe: Tickler
A run from the Rama 5 Bridge, how innovative and unique! And I mean directly from underneath the massive structure, to be shared with vagrants and other low life forms that occupy these types of facilities. The piss table was set up directly behind and 3 meters away from a pick-up that was selling durian. The hares and piss lady Normal guaranteed that that the truck and pleasant odor of the cargo would be gone when we returned for the circle.
With that comforting reassurance, the hare Bangcock and co-hare Vaginia Slime instructed the pack on how to navigate the unfamiliar territory along Nakron-In road with their cleaver trail markings. So as not to confuse, the trail started with a 500m jog right along the frontage road. Then things start to get complicated as we turn onto another hard-surface street. The complication is that it is narrow and auto traffic does not yield to pedestrians, particularly hashers. Without Pussy Virus, KC or S Blunder in the pack, Selfie Queen took it upon himselfie to set the pace while also performing the “flash” duties. Even old retards like Maverick and Noriega were out there in front trying to show that they still had something left in there dismal lives to show.
Finally, 1.5km into the run the trail goes off into some dirt! That got my attention since I had not been through this particular section before, so in I go yelling on-on. However, this did not attract anyone else to follow me as I recognized, emerging from the “dirt” Bugs and No Good Boyo along with GM Bullitt trolling down the concrete pathway pointing and giggling at me. Suddenly time has slipped by quickly are we are at check #6 of 9. And a good one it was. No one bothered to check deep enough originally so the pack became very scattered and I was on my lonesome for the remainder of the trail. But that was not a problem! The paper markings were every 5 meters and very heavy! This was environmental pollution at its worst. Only has KC done more damage to a hash trail. Had Disgusting been here, hare homicide would have been inevitable.
Unable to get lost, I arrived back at the A-site in 5.3km not bad for the promised 6.0km. Yep, you guessed it the durian vendor was still there and aroma even more pungent, hares still not able to deliver on promises. Good deal about this was with the absence of a young guy in the pack, Som had someone to hit on. The circle was called by the GM and after the usual recognition of visitors, returners, homos, etc. the proceedings were turned over to RA Noriega who did his usual “Nip” speaking routine to ridicule/honor the hare. This was followed by Selfie Queen’s daughter being anointed as “Dancing Queen”. The circle culminated with Vaginia Slime being voted a well-deserved P.O.T.W.
The on-after was hosted at a local Japanese dive close to the A-site. Unfortunately, I could not attend but I’m sure the beer was cold! Good run hares and on to the next!
This page last updated: 18 August, 2015