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Run: 1725 11 April 2016
Location: Krungthep Kreeta Gai Yang restaurant
Hare: Nick 'Leg Iron' Z
Well, what can I say? I was minding my own business when Selfie Queen approached me and informed me of an invitation from a VIP. Baron Edmund Of Checkless, had invited me to be scribe for Hash MDCCXXV”
Despite it being extremely inconvenient, seeing that the GM had been replaced by Todd and the RA replaced by KC, I thought that it would be politically correct to show willing and join in the effort to ensure we all had a good experience recorded for eternity on the internet.
An extremely good turn out with a record number of Virgin Hashers was the buzz of the day. Most of the Hashers arriving way too early due to allowing extra time for heavy traffic that just was not there due to the Songkran Holidays. Bullit was finding it hard to contain his excitement about having a complete change of hash mismanagement due to the holidays and told me how much he was looking forward to the circle.
The circle was called by the Stand In GM and we all listened intently. The hare, Leg Iron, gave his Hare’s Briefing which was concise (brief) and gave the directions to the start of the trail, while muttering under his breath that the On In was unmarked and unfamiliar hashers should run with somebody familiar with the area. A worrying scenario with five Virgin Hashers, and maybe an ominous warning for what was to come.
The trail followed the klong path down to a check which led us off to the left for the start of a clockwise trail (or a right hand trail for the older hashers) An over running hasher, who will remain nameless by request, discovered the "On In" 100m from the first check. AnySex.com, a Thai National who went to university in Wales, in a perfect Merthyr Tydfil accent announced “I’m saying Porthcawl” and continued on the intended trail. Apparently this means “Nothing” in Welsh.
The trail continued for a while until the paper, chalk and flour ran out and we all wandered aimlessly around a field full of goats and geese until Pussy Virus ran past us (after doing a four kilometer loop looking for paper) and we heard a distant On On from the walkers who had stumbled across part of the trail that could have missed out a substantial part of the route.
Never mind, we can ask the hare when we get back, or so we thought.
The trail weaved around the new road construction and back towards the main road with intermittent markings of flour. A few hashers from Germany, a long time ago found out the marking a trail with bread crumbs led to no good. Leg Iron lost most of his Hashers for a kilometer or more, but unlike Hansel and Gretel, we escaped the wicked witch and arrived back at the start point.
On arriving back at the start of the Hash we found out the Hare, Leg Iron had already fled the scene.
The circle was, despite Bullit’s worries, a fun filled time with Spinning Dwarf excelling in his role as Stand-In GM and Boob-A-Lube entertaining everybody as RA Ass. Prick of the week was awarded by popular vote to a virgin visitor and much merriment was made.
The On On On was at the Krung Thep Greta Gai Yang Restaurant and was confirmed to have the best Grilled Chicken in the area. Myself and others are still discussing what unit of area to use, but we will just leave it at that for the moment.
The Hare announced nothing, because he was not there, so Malinee took charge of the proceedings and everything went smoothly.
All in all, a good run once we realized that ants, squirrels and birds had made a feast of the trail markings and we had to think for ourselves combined with a bit of echo location.
Anony Mouse
This page last updated: 9 Aug 2016