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Run: 1745 29 August 2016
Location: Bang Kruay Bridge
Hare: No Good Boyo
When your scribe arrived at the car park for the run he was surprised to find that Spinning Dwarf and the Landmark taxi crowd had already arrived, and it wasn't yet 5pm. Is this a Hash record?
The reason for their early arrival, and that of your scribe, was that a new expressway going near to the run site has just been opened, so avoiding about a dozen sets of traffic lights where the police press a button for them to change when they feel like some action. This new expressway actually connects to the existing expressway system (unlike a certain new rail line that doesn't quite reach the existing network) branching off near Morchit bus station and (after paying B50 at the new toll booth) goes soaring into the air amid a forest of concrete posts to support the web of new transit routes like the Red Line, hi-speed line to Chiang Mai, Hi-speed line to Nakon Nowhere, and the Hopewell Project. Taking the correct exit you come down to ground just a few K from the run site.
Not many more runners arrived between 5 and 5:30 so a 'small but perfectly formed pack' (to quote Gringo) set off at 5:30. Rather than taking the traditional route over the bridge and through the municipal offices the trail took us a short way back down the road towards Bang Kruay-Sai Noi before going off to the right. After a check or two the trail crossed the road we had come in along into the large area behind Disgusting's favourite restaurant, Baan Suan. For some reason property developers haven't found this area yet, but unfortunately fly tippers have to it wasn't quite pristine countryside we were running through.
A series of checks kept most of the pack together as we ducked and dived through a variety of terrains. The ducking and diving came to an abrupt end when we ran out of paper in some woodland. We searched in every direction but couldn't find where the trail resumed, and there was no sign of a check. See trail here. At the same time big black clouds loomed, and we decided to leave the wood and set off along an abandoned (by all except fly tippers) concrete road. Within a minute or two the rain came, so we set off for home on the roads, As usual, the route by road was a lot longer than the trail route home, and we ended up running about 2km along Bang Kruay-Sai Noi road past Baan Suan in the heavy rain. Not a pleasant experience.
By the time we got back to the beer the rain had stopped, and at first the hare was at a loss as to why the paper ran out. After a few minutes he found an excuse a reason saying 'the farmer' must have picked up the paper he had laid. Your scribe was surprised to see Hater Peacox supping beer, and he claimed that he had arrived on time but had to have phone sex with his wife(!) and that had taken longer than expected.
An early circle was prompted by the return of the rain, though it was gentler than before. It was only when the circle was nearly over that Drunken Donut arrived back, closely followed by Tickler (who probably had been recce-ing his next run). PoW went to a virgin who Ladyboy had brought along, and Ladyboy was disappointed to hear that his partner couldn't keep the appendage for the evening.
All in all a good event, thanks No Good Boyo.
This page last updated: 30 Aug 2016