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Run:1754, 31 October 2016.
Hare: Sheepshagger
Location: Chalerm Prakiat, Vietnamese Restaurant
Despite the imminence of the Indochina Mekong Hash at the weekend just next door in Siam Reap we had no visitors at the run. However, we did have a few returning Thai runners like Becassine, Sizzler and Gung to brighten the place up (figuratively only, of course). Lurch was lurking around looking a bit dejected as he had knackered his mountain bike after only 3km of Saturday's Bike Hash (Advertisement: Next Bike Hash is at Bang Saray near Sattahip on 26 November). The pack was so depleted that the HonSec had to draft me in do the write up. So if you don't like this drivel complain to the HonSec, not me.
Without showing any consideration to the two BMH3 members who are still gainfully employed the GM cum Hare called the pack to order at 5:15 and said that we should set off across the road and turn left at the first 7-Eleven we come to. We followed the hare's instructions, and it's not often motorists in Bangkok are scared of pedestrians, but some very frightened motorists actually put their mobile phones down and stopped to allow us to cross the road en-masse.
A short way down the soi there was a smart new must-be-seen-at nightspot called 'Criminals'. No doubt popular with the local constabulary when they've finished pulling over alleged traffic offenders. By now your scribe was lagging behind, which turned out to be fortuitous as he arrived at a check just as Boobalube found the trail (and called out!).
After a short loop we came back to the main road which we had to cross again. This time the pack was strung out so we were unable to intimated the motorists to stop for us, but as we all made it back to the beer eventually I guess no one got hit. We then encountered a bigger loop on that side of the road, and as daylight faded your scribe decided to head moth-like towards the street lights rather than potentially wade through shiggy looking for paper.
By the time he arrived back most of the pack was already carbo-loading, though notable absentees were Tickler and No No. It was assumed that Tickler was taking the opportunity to recce a future run, but as we were nowhere near Cowboy Restaurant we didn't think it likely that No No was doing the same. Eventually all returned.
The GM called the circle, and after 89 seconds silence started proceedings with awarding himself a down down for being hare. It was only after this that it was pointed out that his co-hare should have been given a down down as well. Lobsterman was given a farewell down down just in case he gets recalled to England before next Monday's run. It was a very special night for Noriega as not only was it his birthday but he also got his mug and plinth in recognition of his 1000th run, which he completed a week or two ago. At the end of a relatively short and subdued circle Prick of the Week went to Checkless. I'm not sure why he won it, but he seemed pretty pleased with it.
This page last updated: 16 Jul 2017