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Run 2013, 25 July 2022
Location: Makkasan, Nikhom Makkasan Road
Hare: Father Joseph

The OnOnOn prospects were touch-and-go for a while, but OK after Splat bribed the irate husband (the restaurant owner?) 500 Baht to allow KC to stay, after his naked shower show in front of the shrine - which itself looked as though it could use a thorough washing.

Always good to start with a joke, this one food-related. 15-second read.

Retaahd’s New England Pig Joke
A guy walks into a bar in Bahstaan with a three-legged pig. “I'll have a beer and a 20 year-old scotch for my pig here.”
The bartender, who thought he'd seen everything, was astonished. "You're buying a scotch for your pig?"
"This is no ordinary pig." he replied. "There was a fire in our house over in Jamaica Plain a couple of months ago. This pig broke down the sty, ran into the burning building, woke me up, and assisted me in getting my entire family out safely."
"Is that how he lost a leg?"
"No" he replied: "A pig this good, you don't eat all at once."

OK, that wasted a paragraph. Back to the drivel.

The pondside setting was true Bangkok, reminiscent tho of New York's Central Park, with the bright high-rise apartments of the elite on the opposite shore, the wealth contrasting with the squalor of the dank squatter shanties huddled on the left bank.

Most of us stayed on for helpings of fried rice which included something suspect (brown and squishy), savory meat salad (grilled dead pig fat with green things that I believe are called "veggies"), and other stuff swept up off the floor. Short-Shorts pronounced it "delicious".

There was a beer shortage at the beginning, accompanied by a beer mug shortage, at our table. Peterphile, being a circumspect visitor, refrained from remarking on it, but thinking "This would never happen on a Hash in Yurp". The hare, also hailing from Yurp, and thus able to see Peterphile's thought bubble, quickly ordered the beers.

While on the topic of booze, toward the end of the evening, a beer shortage developed at the other table. Mudguard returned from the cooler with two fistfuls of bottles. Turned out this wasn't for the table, he was hoping to have his way with Jumpstart.

But sadly, while on the topic of booze, Tickler has gone downhill. His signature Red Label for the wannabe macho guys disappeared months ago, replaced by Black Dork, and now there wasn't even a round of lao khao for our table.

Further, without the Senator and Pink Panther, there was no wine for the sophisticates - Normal and Crash would have been distraught.

The conversation at our the table was subdued, but covered a wide range of topics, drifting from A to B and back to A. Checkless was still distressed about his neck extension on a recent beer stop (for an unmentionable Hash that runs on a different day of the week). The poor shop owner didn't bring the bottle of Perrier tout de suite. Checkless explained his lapse of manners as due to dehydration, but confusedly, instead of drinking the water, he used it to wash up. C'est la guerre.

So, in summary, quite satisfying all in all, attentive service, and good ambiance. Nibbles rated it 8 out of 10. The Hare generously subsidized the feast. 100%. Don’t expect this from me when I hare. I might subsidize those disgusting little hot dogs with the split ends.



This page last updated: 28 Jul 2022