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Run 2037, 9 January 2023
Location: Bang Sue, Station Saep Nua
Hare: Boobalube
Bubalube was the hare
not that we really care
but he was there.
Same shirt of green
always nice and clean
at least he can be seen.
So off we go in usual form
FRB’s gone in a storm
to the railway platform.
Check number 1
not a load of fun
but to the left we run.
We cross many a lane
dodging traffic’s a pain
to a check – again.
Across the station face
Checkless at quite a pace
Eetan running all over the place.
Past the water fountain
His direction nobody’s doubtin’
to check no 3 – but who’s countin’.
GM to the left, codpiece straight
Across the tracks - no a shut gate
there’s orange paper by an old plate.
Away we go along the tracks
past some old railway shacks
Another check – more confusing facts.
Is it Monday or Wednesday the hare doesn’t know
Dementia set in - which way to go
by a klong - Gringo said follow the flow.
In a village by a mom & pop store
but clearly there is a lot more
the hare runs us past every bloody door.
Across the road to fire and smoke
breathing that in is no joke
but fun I guess for local folk.
Roger me busts his balls
Sprinting past closed market stalls
As a front runner he never calls
But that’s ok
we are on our way
soon no more to say
Who cares we are back at A
and we live to run another day
We thank the hare although he’s gay (couldn’t think of anything else that rhymes)
Pray silence for Always Comes Last
On running she definitely is fast
at circle no misdemeanors slip past.
A visitor with new shoes
She was bound to loose
They were filled up with booze.
And so on to dinner
at this place always a winner
so much food I will not get slimmer
Thanks to the hare who paid the bill
and made sure we had our fill
And treated us to a running thrill
This page last updated: 13 Jan 2023