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Run:- 2079, 30 October 2023 (Halloween)
Location:- Rama 9 Road, Gai Yang
Hare:- Normal

Ghosts and Ghouls gathered for Normal’s run at good olde Rama 9. Although plenty of Hashers were ugly and scary looking enough to not require a costume, some dressed for the occasion. No boyfriend and Codpiece as horror super heroes, Tokoroten as Ken (although references to movies released in the last 10 years is often lost on the geriatric Hashers), the GM kidnapped by an alien, Eric as death, Normal and Wednesday, and the other ladies as various kitchen mishaps.

The GM called for the circle and Normal showed the flour and environmentally conscious spray paint she used for markings. Off we go! Bounding down the road and following sporadic drops of paper and light sprinkles of flour. Checks were well laid in labyrinths of streets to keep the pack together. One perhaps not too well laid though as Codpiece found himself taking a shortcut home and missing a large chunk of fun.

Those of us that decided to hit the khlong instead found a great part of the trail with bridges, winding paths, dirt and….what’s this?! We were just here! A loop! Ah now the merriment of cackles from Codpiece claiming "on on" were clear. We followed while Hazukashii repeated the loop a few more times. He must have really enjoyed it. Spinning Dwarf did claim this as "the best run of Rama 9!". A few confusing turns later and giving the public a spectacle we all made it back. Except for Hazukashii, he was still doing that loop.

A great display of Halloween food for the Hashers to enjoy while waiting for the circle was displayed. A young girl came from to restaurant to see us all dressed up, a potential Hasher one day I hope! Before we knew it, and with the tormenting of raindrops, onto the circle! Returners Tokoroten, Baey, Lurch, Hot Mix, Ya Ya, Sizzler, and Normal were welcomed back. As were visitors Lecherous, Mother Brown, and Anna. The RA called in Cums in Squirts to ask why the front runners weren’t marking, he quickly blubbered the GM’s name and without further a do we had our nominated POTW. The ladies were also honoured for being able to do beauty AND spooky.

We went to dinner with an abundance of food and wine heavily subsidised by the gracious hare. An excellently decorated room with AC. Wow these Hashers are getting classy!

Hazukashii never did make it back. Legend has it, he died doing that loop, and if you walk the khlong at night, you can hear the echoes of "on on" and "what the f*ck, again!?". Happy Halloween everyone.


This page last updated: 1 Nov 2023