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Run:- 2113, 24 June 2024
Location:- Charan Sanitwong 13, Moomsabai
Hare:- Spinning Dwarf
Oh bloody hell it's me again to write up the run,
The twists and the turns the pain and the fun,
5:30 the start time so off we all went
with complex checks down every alley we're sent
we got to a temple and ran round and round
we checked every corner but nothing we found
the kids in the playground stopped their play
to watch 4 farangs in complete disarray
bollocks to this, let's get back to the beer
then eagle-eyed Georgia said look over here
and there it was as plain as can be
a white chalk arrow for all 4 to see
so now back on trail we hurried along
over the bridge by the side of the klong
10 minutes later and nine clicks completed
the front running 4 were not defeated
back at the circle in a laughing mood
downed a few beers and off to the food
then it was over and all said and done
thanks to the hare for setting the run
This page last updated: 26 Jun 2024