Bangkok Monday Hash House Harriers
Run Report

Last updated: 1 June, 2009

Run no:- 1363           Date:- 4 May 2009
Location:- Ahun I Din Restaurant, Ratchapreuk Road
Hare:- The Tickler
Scribe:- Anon

It was another great Tickler-hared run. Another very familiar same great run. Launched out of Ahun I din restaurant as most of Tickler's runs are. It possessed some classically altered run characteristics such as going in the opposite direction as the last time not so very long ago. Inventive you say? Oh yes! There were other zigs rather than zags to further confuse those with familiarity of the general route. Nonetheless it was a thoroughly enjoyable 55 minutes or so for the FRBs through bushy trails, good running single track and very little cement.

That other main activity of the hash, drinking that is, was launched into heartily after the run. Actually some didn't really run and just short cutted back to begin this activity.... and you know who you are. Eventually the "5 minutes until the circle" was bellowed out by our fearless (fearful?) leader (more on that shortly). The usual "visitors into the circle" may or may not have existed since that level of detail has already departed my brain here 3 days hence. At any rate they were or were not called into the circle, asked "where they came from" or not, asked "who made them come" or not etc. or not etc.

Returners were called in and there were a few, Boob-a-loob and Heather being the only 2 of probably 5 that I can remember. Odd that Boob would be so memorable. Less oddly and more memorably Heather remained in my limited short term memory storage (more on that shortly).

Later Heather was called again into the circle as she yet had no hash name. Bog Diver without any sort of the usual voting or accepting of suggestions from the encircled pack used his executive privilege and simply pronounced her as "Iron Pussy" based (I think) on her being in Phuket sometime over the past week or so.

Further jocular frolicking ensued with births, deaths and other significant events that had transpired on that day in history that were only interesting to Ian and Greg as they blindly groped for fill in material followed until... "it's that time again, it's time for Prick-of-the-Week" was called out. There was a searing dearth of candidates on this particular Monday, only the previously noted Boob and the also previously noted female of American heritage (and attitude), Heather were nominated. It was a close running, naturally Boob always has his supporters for POTW, his specific crime although not recalled by this scribe was I'm sure for some common BoobALoobian sin. The American lady Heather, committing some non-egregious sin was of course by virtue of her chromosomes well qualified to compete in the 2 horse runoff that ensued. The Boob was first to be judged and a semi-encouraging roar followed promoting his candidacy, Heather followed with a slightly greater endorsement and was summarily deemed in Ian's famously democratic way "Prick of the Week".

It was at this point when the wheels came off the wagon so to speak. Heather said "this is bullshit", "I'm sick of women being selected for being the Prick I'm sick of it, I'm serious, I'm not joking, I'm serious", and then she pranced around in a way that only an American woman scorned can prance. Despite how silly this sounds, she was indeed serious. She summarily refused the penis seemingly unaware that it was just a simple event that plays out weekly for the greater enjoyment of the male membership (no pun intended) of the hash. Women! you can't live with them, you can't throw them under the bus when you're done with them. What's a man to do? Sadly we didn't find out. There were calls for "take charge Grand Master", "have some balls Grand Master", "be a man Grand Master". Alas it was not to be. The GM meekly accepted her cries for gender equality. BoobALoob then took it upon himself to further muddy the waters. He, in an effort to placate the theatrical female volunteered to be co-POTW and they in a wanting-to-make-you-vomit kind of way shared the penis. This was not the end of it, oh no, it was just the beginning, well it wasn't really the beginning but it wasn't the end either. There was a "she has lost her hash name movement" afoot and a suggestion that only the "Iron" be removed from her dictatorially presented moniker of Iron Pussy. The circle at this point was a mess, Kaos reigned and Maxwell Smart was nowhere to be found to rein in this devilish movement. Eventually cooler head prevailed, well not really either as the Hash really doesn't easily tolerate this kind of "I don't think this is politically correct" type of attitude. Regardless, social drinking commenced and further mirth prevailed.

The ononon was held nearby in an acoustically challenged echo chamber and many conversations ensued. The number of participants per discussion was pretty well limited to 2 since if you turned your head in a direction other than towards that of your intended listener you merely contributed to the general din and your intended listener would be forced to respond with a "uh, could you say that again?"

Another heartily enjoyable Monday evening.


On Monday 4 May we had 18 Harriers, 6 Harriettes, 0 new boots and 1 visitor, total = 25. Returners included Cengiz “Disgusting” Ertuna, Lynn Yu, Jumpstart, and Jeff “Bugs” Gay. Congrats to Heather R on being christened “Iron Pussy”.


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