Bangkok Monday Hash House Harriers
Run Report

Last updated: 2 June, 2009

Run no:- 1366           Date:- 25 May 2009
Location:- Nakon Inn Road, Som Tam Yok Sot restaurant
Hare:- No Good Boyo
Scribe:- Bruised Willy

This was a good run with varied going and had many checks, false trails and several instances of the pack going off paper. After the run, someone even commented that those noble hashers who stayed on paper (including your scribe) probably ran about 2 kms less than the FRB’s did.

The circle welcomed several guests and returners, and various miscreants were suitably punished. However, despite a masterful stance by the GM (before the run commenced,) in which he stated that those runners who were improperly dressed (not wearing approved Hash gear) were going later to be asked to remove it, this sadly did not happen and the more salacious amongst us were greatly disappointed.

There followed an excellent, and very well attended, On-on-on, both in quality and quantity, with lots of delicious fish dishes, and all washed down with generous quantities of the amber nectar. Well done Hares and a great evening. Anyone reading this write up will notice that it bears no resemblance to the actual run last week, but everyone your OnSec spoke to said that Lem, as usual, set a fantastic trail! On On!.


On Monday 25 May we had 19 Harriers, 9 Harriettes, 0 new boots and 1 visitor, total = 29. Returners included Bimbo, Malinee, Ellen, Frisky and Hash Hash.


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